Chip Chrome and the Mono Tones (2020)


  1. Chip Chrome
  2. Pretty Boy
  3. Lost in Translation
  4. Devil's Advocate
  5. Hell or High Water
  6. Cherry Flavoured
  7. The Mono-Tones
  8. BooHoo
  9. Silver Lining
  10. Tobacco Sunburst
  11. Middle of Somewhere

Chip Chrome & the Mono-Tones follows a theme that resembles a dystopian vintage film, complete with a sort of main character that seems to be a front-and-center component of the music. The result is a collection that, when listened to, resembles watching a film.

Chip Chrome and the Mono-Tones is a full-bodied and dynamic album that follows the band’s classic moody, low-tempo rock style while simultaneously incorporating many different styles of music that are blended seamlessly into one collection. The album starts with “Chip Chrome” to set the mood, named after the possible protagonist of the film-like album assumed to be so by the title of the album itself. It’s a sci-fi sounding, 30-second intro that features sparkling instrumentals sounding familiar to those who have watched older movies of that genre.

The Neighbourhood brings an interesting take on album themes to the table, deviating from the classic themes that pertain to an artist’s personal life and themes that speak of current events. In doing so, the band has created a refreshing and exciting twist to the ordinary album with Chip Chrome & the Mono-Tones, proving even further their incredible talents as individual artists as well as a collective band.